Navy Federal Credit Union has successfully narrowed the claim of mortgage-lending discrimination

June 19, 2024

Navy Federal Credit Union hassuccessfully narrowed the claim of mortgage-lending discrimination that it isfacing in a Fair Housing Act lawsuit filed by nine individuals in federal courtin Alexandria, Virginia. On May 30, 2024, the Court dismissed the claim ofintentional  discrimination, and, most significantly, refused to let thecase proceed as a class action, noting the varied circumstances of the nineplaintiffs. The plaintiffs may continue to pursue individual claims ofdisparate-impact discrimination, which will require them to get specific on thecredit union policies that they are challenging and demonstrating them to bediscriminatory. The case is Laquita Oliver, et al. v. Navy Federal CreditUnion, No: 1:23-cv-1731(LMB/WEF) (E.D. Va).